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Wet Dilution refrigerators
廠牌-Oxford Instruments 類型-Nitrogen Jet 100K for X-Ray Diffraction - Cryojet5 應用-Nitrogen jet cryostat for protein crystallography. Cools down proteins down to 85 K in less than 5 minutes!
廠牌-Oxford Instruments 名稱-OptistatDN 類型-Nitrogen Cryostat 77K, sample in exchange gas - OptistatDN2 應用-nitrogen bath cryostat with a base temperature of 77 K and sample in exchange gas.
廠牌-Oxford Instruments 名稱-OptistatDN-V 類型-Nitrogen Cryostat 77K, sample in vacuum - OptistatDN-V2 應用-nitrogen bath cryostat with a base temperature of 77 K and sample in vacuum
廠牌-Oxford Instruments 名稱-MicrostatN 類型-Microscopy Cryostat 77K Nitrogen Cooled - MicrostatN2 應用-continuous flow nitrogen cryostat with short working distance for microscopy applications
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